英文短篇幼儿童话故事:Ajax(the Great)
Ajax was a man of giant stature,daring but slow.When the Trojan War was about to break outhe led his forces from Salamis to join the Greek army at Aulis.As one of the trustiest championsof the Greek cause,he was given thejob of guarding one end of the Greek camp near Troy.Hewas noted in the battlefield for his bravery and courage.After Achilles' death he became one ofthe two hot contestants for the dead hero's shield and armour,the other being Odysseus.Whenthe weapons were finally judged to his rival,Ajax went mad for grief.Unable to get over thehardships,he took his own life.When,in order to seek the advice of,Odysseus came to visit thelower world,the shade of Ajax frowned uponhim.In the lower world Ajax chose to be alion,guided clearly by the bitter recollection of his former life.
英文短篇幼儿童话故事:The Flood
Towards the end of the Age of Bronze the human world became very cruel.
Men grew hungry,impolite and ungodly.Neither rightn or law was respected any longer,and therule of hospitality was forgotten.Dressed up in human form,Zeus visited ArcadiaandThessaly,and disliked the deadly wrongs of men .He decidedto clear the earth of themall.Without hesitation he released therainy south wind and called upon the heartless Poseidonto help.Soon the whole world sank in a vast ocean, and the entire humanrace disappeared inthe unheard of flood,all but two poor Thessalians .
These were an old childless couple,kind and faithful and contented with life.The man wascalled Deucalion and his wife Pyrrha.Son of Prometheus,Deucalion had been warned beforehandby his father of the coming flood and made himself a hugechest.When the roaring flood camethe couple hid themselves init and floated for nine days until it touched land again on MtParnassus.
The once active world presented a frightening sight.It was all death and ruin.Feeling lonelyand unsafe,the old coupleprayed to the gods for help.A sage instructed them to cast the bonesof their mother about .The son of the wise Titan, havingguessed the true meaning of themysterious command, started throwing stones behind him. A miracle occurred. Thestonesthat the man cast became men;the stones that the woman threwturned intowomen.Since then,people appeared on the land again.The Heroic Age had begun.
When Ilus had first built his new seat,the city of Troy, he prayed Zeus to show some sign ofblessing for it. His prayer was heard,and a wooden image of Pallas- A-thena fell from heavento within the walls of the city. Known as the Palladium, the statue afforded the city safety andprotection. At religious meetings of the goddess it was carried through the city streets amidjoys and songs of praise.
After the flames of war had spread for ten years before the walls of Troy, a prophet foretoldthat Troy could never be expected to fall as long as the Palladium was treasured by its people.In order to steal it out,Odysseus and Diomedes slipped into the capital one night in disguise,known to none but Hellen.The bad woman took out them to He cuba, the queen of Troy, atwhose feet Odysseus immediately bowed down and asked formercy.The queen granted theirrequest,and with the help of Helen,they successfully brought the image back to the Greekcamp at dawn.
Later it was said that Aeneas got hold of it and carried itwith him to his new land,where it wasPreserved together with the goddess' fire.
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