
童话故事 2021-10-31 网络整理 可可



有趣的英语童话故事:The call of the bird

  I am a little bird, free in the forest with friends, sisters play together, learning.

  But one day, my best friend "flower" is sick, I went to see it, it lay on the bed, hands up, staring at me. I rush over and took it by the hand, it said softly: "fast... fast escape." Then the hand ", "ring, died. It's family, has cried "when", said: "little flower, you wake up! Mom gives you your favorite bugs." Suddenly, there was a voice, "pa" is to open an emergency meeting, we quickly flew past, bird grandpa said: "everybody beware! People to cut down trees and destroying our home, what should I do?" Some said: "let's move!" Some said: "to tell!" And said: "no, I want for my children..."

  Can let all of the animals surrounded them? Not, human beings are our friends, that we a fright them, good! The birds with pointed beak people, people know is wrong, the birds said: "oh, we have overcome." We are all very happy.

有趣的英语话故事:Little bear and little monkey

  One morning, little bear and little monkey to play in the park. Mountain green water show in the park, can be compared with the forest. Little monkey jump into the water on a rock to see the surrounding scenery. "There are colourful flowers, there are green trees, colorful really good-looking!" The little monkey revel in the beauty. The bear saw little monkey standing on the stone is quick to drop down, hurriedly say: "come down, the little monkey carefully down!" Small monkey put teddy bear as a fallen on deaf ears, very not easy to be bear down.

  Bear and little monkey went to the door pillars were ready to go home, want to do next, the little monkey is on the pillars at the doorway with brush to write "Sun Xiaosheng visit" the words. Bear a look, and quickly gave a said: "small monkey, you quickly down, erase your word, quick!" Little monkey is written after the jump down, said: "I'm doing, let me also give you do?" "True take you can't." The bear said.

  On the way home, little bear kept the little monkey said, "this is a public place, graffito of the scribble cannot, if everyone like you, the park into writing exhibition garden. You do this very not civilization!" Little monkey bowed his head in shame, said: "I don't do this anymore."

  I want to say to you: "we have to do good care environment of citizens, that will make our city more beautiful."

有趣的英语话故事:Happy autumn

  In the forest, the animals are saying: "autumn, autumn is coming!" Sparrow heard, to think: what is autumn? So it fly to ask a mother. Mother, said: "autumn, everywhere you go find yourself!" Sparrow heard, began to search for the autumn.

  It came to the park, see the colorful chrysanthemum blossom, very beautiful. Maple leaves began to red, like the hearth fire. The trees on both sides of the road started falling leaves, like the earth covered with a thick layer of carpet.

  And it came to the orchard, fruit tree full of fruit to see the garden. Orange, persimmon crowded I touch you, for to people to pick! Extremely busy during the fruit, a fruit basket and a basket carried down the hill.

  Sparrow in farmland, irrigation and the scene of bumper crops. Farmer in the field to accept rice, while trust ground to say: "can be a bumper harvest this year!" Sparrow heard, a thought: oh, originally this is what I am looking for autumn!

  Sparrow can be happy! Came home happily, the ability to tell his mother looking for autumn. , listening to his mother happily say: "my kids are great!" Sparrow smiled happily.

趣的英语童话故事:The complacency panda

  Spring is coming, the games began. The panda games cheerfully ran to the registration department to register. The elephant's uncle asked: "panda, what are you going to attend events?" Panda loudly said: "running, jumping, climbing trees, I have to sign up."

  After the registration, everyone into the practice field. Panda saw little monkey, rabbit, deer, they are hard practice. Panda said: "these projects are too simple, don't have to practice." As a result, it ran to the side to play.

  Games begin. The first movement is a race, he just ran a few steps and then slipped. The second movement is the high jump, panda looked at high hurdles leg soft, the deer is easily jumped in the past. The third movement is to climb trees, panda holding the thick trunk can't climb up, and the little monkey is quickly climbed up. Little monkey, rabbit, deer, got the prize, the panda cry. Elephant uncle stroked the panda's head and said: "children, nothing is too difficult, if you put your heart into it, to be successful, will practice hard!" Panda nodded and said, "I know."


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