
经典台词 2023-01-27 网络整理 可可


  尼克劳斯(吸血鬼始祖与狼人的混血)在新奥尔良回到他的过去, 得到一个对他正在酝酿阴谋的神秘提示下, 尼克劳斯回到了那个他和他家人帮助建立起的美国南方大城,新奥尔良(New Orleans)。尼克劳斯的疑惑导致了他和他前门徒马赛尔的团聚, 马赛尔是一个对新奥尔良所有人类与超自然生物有着绝对控制权的魅力吸血鬼。以利亚(吸血鬼始祖,尼克劳斯的哥哥)决心想要帮助他的弟弟尼克劳斯找到救赎, 他追随着尼克劳斯并很快发现海莉(狼人)也来到了这个法国区寻找她家族历史的线索但是她落在了一个强大的女巫苏菲手上。 而此时尼克劳斯发誓要在新奥尔良夺回属于自己的权力,取代前任,为这里的者。


  Sir, would you be so good as to tell us

  where it is that we have arrived?

  The French colony of Louisiana

  off the shores of a town they've named New Orleans.

  Always and forever, Rebekah.

  That is what we once swore to each other.

  Consider this me calling take-backs.

  Oh, you've called take-backs dozens of times over the centuries,

  and yet when our father found us

  and chased us from this very city...

  I may be old, Elijah, but I'm hardly senile.

  I know very well I stuck with Klaus,

  and not 3 years later, he stuck a silver dagger

  in my chest and sent me into a magical slumber for 90 years.

  Do you know why?

  Because I had the audacity to try

  and live my life on my own without him.

  Enough. I believe our brother is in trouble.

  So whatever is going on between Marcel and the Witches,

  it's dire enough that they'd risk

  bringing an original back to town.

  The witches have lured him here.

  I'd like to know why.

  Oh, you got me into this, Jane.

  Oh, give me the strength to finish it.

  The doors work, you know.

  You're doing magic?

  I'm praying to my dead sister.

  Go ahead. Pay your respects.

  Don't make this a thing, Sophie.

  The hybrid was looking for Jane-Anne.

  Marcel wants to know why.

  I'd say ask her yourself, but I guess you can't, see,

  Because Marcel killed her.

  I'm Elijah.

  but you must understand

  that our father hunted him,

  hunted us for centuries.

  Every time we found a moment of happiness,

  we were forced to flee, even here in New Orleans,

  where we were happiest of all.

  Not long after Niklaus broke the spell

  which prevented him from becoming a hybrid,

  he defeated our father.

  I thought this would make him happy,

  but he's angrier than ever.

  I wonder if, perhaps, this baby

  will be a way from my brother to find happiness,

  a way to save him from himself.

  I'm glad you feel that way

  because we need your help.

  What, precisely, is it that you want?

  What does it have to do with this young woman?

  We want to run Marcel and his vampires

  out of town.

  Klaus is the key.

  Everything Marcel knows about being a vampire

  he learned from Klaus.

  Marcel trusts him, looks up to him.

  He won't see the betrayal coming.

  Yes. Well, as I'm sure you're aware,

  my brother Niklaus doesn't like to be told what to do.

  It's why I brought you here.

  Marcel drove the werewolves out of town

  decades ago.

  Do you really think he's going to welcome

  a hybrid baby to the neighborhood?

  Convince Klaus to help us,

  and no one has to know about the newest member

  of the original family.

  Sounds remarkably like blackmail.

  Like I said, I'm desperate.

  Well, then,

  I have my work cut out for me, don't I?

  Evening, Elijah.


  What an entirely unwelcome surprise.

  And what an entirely unsurprising welcome.

  Come with me.

  Have you heard of me?


  So why don't you tell me

  what business your family has with my brother?

  This is sacred ground,

  which means vampires have to be invited in...

  But since I'm desperate, come on in.

  We can talk freely here.

  Then I suggest you start talking.

  What did your sister want with Niklaus?

  Isn't it obvious?

  We have a vampire problem, and we need help.

  Marcel has an army backing him.

  I thank you so much.

  Oh, I do recommend that you find yourself

  a little assistance for the luggage.

  My sincere apologies.

  So what brings you to the Big Easy?

  I used to live here.

  Really? When?

  Oh, feels like 100 years ago.

  I just moved here myself.

  What brought you back?

  Well, my brother is here somewhere.

  I'm afraid he might have gotten himself

  into a bit of a bind.

  You say that like it's a common occurrence.

  Well, he's complicated--

  Defiant, ill-mannered,

  and a little temperamental.

  See, we don't share the same father.

  Of course, that never bothered me,

  but my brother resents it deeply,

  never felt like he belonged.

  All told, he has a long history of getting himself into trouble.

  Well, I'm guessing you have a long history of getting him out of it.

  What kind of bind is your brother in?

  He believes there are people in this town

  that are conspiring against him.

  Wow, narcissistic and paranoid.


  Bartender with a grad degree in psychology,

  total cliche.

  Listen, Camille.

  I'm looking for someone

  who might shed some light on his current predicament.

  She works here-- Jane-Anne Deveraux.

  Any idea where I might find her?

  No, but I know someone who might.

  Welcome to New Orleans,

  and the crown jewel of the crescent city:

  The french quarter--

  If I have to hurt Hayley or worse to ensure

  that I have your attention, I will.

  You dare threaten an original?

  I have nothing to lose.

  You have until midnight

  to get Klaus to change his mind.

  Hey, man, where'd you run off to?

  Oh, someone put you in a mood.

  What can I do?

  What you can do is, you can tell me what

  this thing is you have with the witches.

  You know I owe you everything I got,

  but I'm afraid I have to draw the line on this one.

  This is my business.


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