
寓言故事 2022-08-11 网络整理 可可


  寓言故事脍炙人口,它集知识性与趣味性于一体 ,下面这些是小编为大家推荐的几篇3分钟英语寓言故事

3分钟英语寓言故事1:A Huge Lump of Gold

  Once upon a time there was a rich village. The wealthiest of the villagers decided to hide a huge lump(块状) of gold to protect it from bandits(土匪,盗贼) and robbers. So he buried it in a nearby rice field.

  Many years later, the village was no longer rich, and the rice field was abandoned and unused. A poor farmer decided to plow the field. After some time plowing(耕地) , it just so happened that his plow struck the long forgotten buried treasure.

  At first he thought it must be a very hard tree root. But when he uncovered it, he saw that it was beautiful shining gold. Since it was daytime he was afraid to try and take it with him. So he covered it up again and waited for nightfall.

  The poor farmer returned in the middle of the night. Again he uncovered the golden treasure. He tried to lift it, but it was far too heavy. He tied ropes around it and tried to drag it. But it was so huge he couldn’t budge(移动) it an inch. He became frustrated, thinking he was lucky to find a treasure, and unlucky to not be able to take it with him. He even tried kicking the huge lump of gold. But again it wouldn’t budge an inch!

  Then he sat down and began to consider the situation. He decided the only thing to do was to break the lump of gold into four smaller lumps. Then he could carry home one piece at a time.

  He thought, "One lump I will use for ordinary day-to-day living. The second lump I will save for a rainy day. The third lump I will invest in my farming business. And I will gain merit(优点,价值)with the fourth lump by giving it to the poor and needy and for other good works."

  With a calm mind he divided the huge lump of gold into these four smaller lumps. Then it was easy to carry them home on four separate trips.

  Afterwards he lived happily.

  The moral is: "Don’t bite off more than you can chew."

3分钟英语寓言故事2:Village Doe and Mountain Buck

  Once upon a time, in northern India, there was a herd of(一群) village deer. They were used to being near villages; they were born there and grew up there. They knew they had to be very careful around people. This was especially true at harvest time, when the crops were tall,and the farmers trapped and killed any deer who came near.

  At harvest time, the village deer stayed in the forest all day long. They only came near the village during the dark of the night. One of these was a beautiful young doe(母鹿) .She had soft reddish-brown fur, a fluffy(蓬松的) white tail and big wide bright eyes.

  During this particular season, there was a young mountain buck who had strayed into the same low forest. One day, he saw the beautiful young doe, and immediately became infatuated with(迷恋) her. He didn't know anything about her. But he imagined himself to be deeply in love with her, just because of her reddish-brown fur and her fluffy white tail and her big wide bright eyes. He even dreamed about her, although she did not know he existed!

  After a few days, the young mountain buck decided to introduce himself. As he was walking out into the clearing where she was grazing, he was entranced by her appearance and could not take his eyes off her. He began speaking: "Oh my sweet beauty, as lovely as the stars and as bright as the moon, I confess to you that I am deeply--" Just then the young buck'shoof(蹄) got caught in a root, he tripped and fell, and his face splashed in a mudpuddle(泥潭) ! The pretty village doe was flattered, so she smiled. But inside, she thought this mountain buck(雄鹿) was really rather silly!

  Meanwhile, unknown to the deer, there was a dan of tree fairies(精灵) living in that part of the forest. They had been watching the mountain buck, while he secretly watched thevillage doe. When he walked out into the clearing, began his speech, and fell in the mud puddle -- the fairies laughed and laughed. "What fools these dumb animals are!" they cried. But one fairy did not laugh. He said, "If ear this is a warning of danger to this young fool?

  The young buck was a little embarrassed, but he didnot see it as any kind of warning. From then on, he followed the doe wherever she went. He kept telling her how beautiful she was and how much he loved her. She didn't pay much attention.

  Then night came, and it was time for the doe to go down to the village. The people who lived along the way knew the deer passed by at night. So they set traps to catch them. That night a hunter waited, hiding behind a bush.

  Carefully, the village doe set out. The mountain buck, who was still singing her praises(赞美诗), went right along with her. She stopped and said to him, "My dear buck, you are not experienced with being around villages. You don't know how dangerous human beings are. The village, and the way to it, can bring death to a deer even at night. Since you are so young and inexperienced (and she thought to herself, 'and foolish'), you should not come down to the village with me. You should remain in the safety of the forest."

  At this, the tree fairies applauded(赞同,称赞) . But of course, the deer could not hear them.

  The young buck paid no attention to the doe's warning. He just said, "Your eyes look so lovely in the moonlight!" and kept walking with her. She said, "If you won't listen to me, at least be quiet!" He was so infatuated with her, that he could not control his mind. But he did finally shut his mouth!

  After a while, they approached the place where the hunter was hiding behind a bush. The fairies saw him, and became agitated(激动的,焦虑的) and frightened for the deer's safety. They flew nervously around the tree branches, but they could only watch.

  The doe could smell the hiding man. She was afraid of a trap. So, thinking to save her own life, she let the buck go first. She followed a little way behind.

  When the hunter saw the unsuspecting mountain buck, he shot his arrow and killed him instantly. Seeing this, the terrified doe turned tail and ran back to the forest clearing as fast as she could.

  The hunter claimed his kill. He started a fire, skinned the deer, cooked some of the venison(鹿肉,野味) and ate his fill. Then he threw the carcass(尸体,残骸) over his shoulder and carried it back home to feed his family.

  When the fairies saw what happened, some of them cried. As they watched the hunter cut up the once noble looking buck, some of them felt sick. Others blamed the careful doe for leading him to the slaughter.

  But the wise fairy, who had given the first warning, said, "It was the excitement ofinfatuation(迷恋,醉心) that killed this foolish deer. Such blind desire brings false happiness at first, but ends in pain and suffering."

  The moral is: Infatuation leads to destruction.

3分钟英语寓言故事3:Finding a New Spring

  Once upon a time a certain tradesman was leading a caravan(大篷,旅行队) to another country to sell his goods. Along the way they came to the edge of a severe hot-sand desert. They asked about, and found that during the daytime the sun heats up the fine sand until it's as hot as charcoal(木炭) , so no one can walk on it -- not even bullocks(小,阉) or camels! So the caravan leader hired a desert guide, one who could follow the stars, so they could travel only at night when the sand cools down. They began the dangerous night-time journey across the desert.

  A couple nights later, after eating their evening meal, and waiting for the sand to cool, they started out again. Later that night the desert guide, who was driving the first cart saw from the stars that they were getting close to the other side of the desert. He had also overeaten, so that when he relaxed, he dozed off(打瞌睡,困倦) to sleep. Then the bullocks who, of course, couldn't tell directions by reading the stars, gradually turned to the side and went in a big wide circle until they ended up at the same place they had started from!

  By then it was morning, and the people realized they were back at the same spot they'd camped at the day before. They lost heart and began to cry about their condition. Since the desert crossing was supposed to be over by now, they had no more water and were afraid they would die of thirst. They even began to blame the caravan leader and the desert guide -- "We can do nothing without water!", they complained.

  Then the tradesman thought to himself, "If I lose courage now, in the middle of thisdisastrous(灾难性的,悲伤的) situation, my leadership has no meaning. If I fall to weeping and regretting this misfortune, and do nothing, all these goods and bullocks and even the lives of the people, including myself, may be lost. I must be energetic and face the situation!" So he began walking back and forth, trying to think out a plan to save them all.

  Remaining alert, out of the corner of his eye, he noticed a small clump of grass. He thought, "Without water, no plant could live in this desert." So he called over the most energetic of his fellow travelers and asked them to dig up the ground on that very spot. They dug and dug,and after a while they got down to a large stone. Seeing it they stopped, and began to blame the leader again,saying "This effort is useless. We're just wasting our time!" But the tradesman replied, "No no, my friends, if we give up the effort we will all be ruined and our poor animals will die -- let us be encouraged!"

  As he said this, he got down into the hole, put his ear to the stone, and heard the sound of flowing water. Immediately, he called over a boy who had been digging and said, "If you give up, we will all perish(死亡,毁灭) -- so take this heavy hammer and strike the rock."

  The boy lifted the hammer over his head and hit the rock as hard as he could -- and he himself was the most surprised when the rock spilt in two and a mighty flow of watergushed(涌出,迸发) out from under it! Suddenly, all the people were overjoyed. They drank and bathed and washed the animals and cooked their food and ate.

  Before they left, they raised a high banner so that other travelers could see it from afar(遥远地) and come to the new spring in the middle of the hot-sand desert. Then they continued on safely to the end of their journey.

  The moral is. Don't give up too easily keep on trying until you reach the goal.


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