
寓言故事 2022-07-21 网络整理 可可


  在批判儒家的反动思想、阐述法家的进步思想的时候,往往用一些寓言故事作为论辩的手段和工具,去夺取思想政治斗争的胜利,下面这些是小编为大家推荐的几篇中国寓言故事 英文

中国寓言故事 英文:Husband and wife bet

  In ancient times has a pair of husband and wife, was lazy and chan, and are very greedy, for a little light and banish the bickering.

  Because the couple would not work, so the home is very poor. One time, only have a little money left, use it just can buy three piece of pie.

  Pie a buy back, the husband and wife is to a man caught a taste, is afraid to move more slowly. Soon, two people had eaten his pie, each with a left, two people to eat enough, they are reluctant to eat your bread to the other side, eyeing up to stare at the bread, and silently confrontation, in his heart that he wanted to eat it, and to each other about, feel hesitate to begin to pick up.

  To this end also is not the way. After a long time, the husband came up with an idea: "so, let's make a bet, who spoke first, who can't eat the cake." Wife replied: "bet bet, I won't lose to you."

  Then, the couple sitting so gawk, saying nothing, even a whisper sneezes, afraid of is their first talk and eat no bread.

  Gradually, the evening, the couple didn't bet a result. A thief while working nights out, that is a quiet to hear that, there was no movement, thought that no one in the room, just dial the door bolt, sneak in.

  The thief snuck into the room and was sitting at the table with two big living, startled, dark call "bad", ready to run. But he found that the two people are only stared at him, face some panic, but don't move or speak. The thief to his strange, but now he also attend to not top dwell, took a few things got the nerve, see two people react, I saw two people reveal a pity love dearly, but still not move and not language.

  "The two men what stay disease with murphy. Whatever he does, take things matter." The thief the couple all valuables at home together, with a big burden into a heap, ready to take away. The couple helplessly looking at, very love dearly, but who are reluctant to speak first.

  The thief go, saw his wife, and conveniently to molest her. Husband still unconcerned, his wife was more than I could bear, jumped up and shouted: "come, stop thief!" And her husband scold a way: "you fool, for a piece of cake, don't shout a thief, it's so dumb!"

  Husband see his wife finally spoke, grabbed the cake big happily say with smile: "ha ha, lady, you finally give up, I will know that I will win a piece of cake!"

  This a foolish couple, only to a piece of bread, and saw the thief don't speak, and almost lost property in the home, it's penny wise, pound foolish. We can't learn them just for the sake of immediate interest not wagging the dog, otherwise, the consequences will be unimaginable.

中国寓言故事 英文:Will fly to the sound will be amazing

  The spring and autumn period and the king zhuang of chu, one of the five powers in history for the development of the chu was a glorious achievement. But in the first three years of his reign, but nowhere, ignore, day and night game, guessing their music, don't listen to the opinions of the detained, and threatened: dare to remonstrate, put to death. Up and down the court is very try so hard, the country has such a foolish emperor how come on!

  See this situation, there is a man called into male jia decided to die the palace to persuade king zhuang of chu. King zhuang of chu to into a male jia said:

  "You know, I'm not who advice, advice you now why not afraid dead?"

  Into a male jia said: "I did not come to give you advice, I just want to pleasure with king, guess riddles play."

  King zhuang of chu said: "in this case, that you say a mystery, I guess."

  As Mr Jia said: "good." Then he said to king zhuang of chu a riddle:

  "There is a big bird, stay in the south of a mountain, the whole three years, it did not move, do not fly, don't call. Great work, you said what bird is this?"

  King zhuang of chu a little thinking, then say with confidence:

  "The big bird settled on the southern mountains, a full three years did not move, the purpose is in our minds and determination; it did not fly 3 years, is in power savings to a full-fledged; don't call it 3 years, is in the situation and community, brewing prestige. It hasn't been flying bird although three years, but when flying will be very straight; although it has not called for three years, but once sing up, is bound to acoustic vibration, shock, as Mr Jia, you can rest assured that your intention, I have guessed right."

  A male jia surprise nods, gladly leave.

  The next day, the king zhuang of chu loan deal with affairs of state. According to three years for his investigations, research, and the ministers of achievements inspection, promoted five loyal capable secretary, to recall the 10 rape cunning minister of incompetence. King zhuang of chu's decision and new energy, has greatly admire wenwu baiguan, so everyone is very happy. Chu people are infectious glad had a good gentleman.

  A man of great wisdom is not in a hurry to express themselves, they often first enough background, storage procedures, when the time is right, will be a blockbuster.

寓言故事 英:Moths cast fire

  One night, however, the woods and guest sitting in the yard together, it was dark, very quiet around, only a candle in the flashing light, the woods with the guest today, everyone have to the life.

  At this moment, a moth insect flapping wings of pink, flew around the candlelight, there was a tiny hiss, the woods repel moths with a fan, it flew away. But after a while, it flew, the woods and drive away with a fan moths, it flew away soon fly back again, and 1 vigorously the candle fire in a desperate rush toward the past, such away and fly, drive and fly, seven of the eight repeatedly times. Finally, the wings of moths by the candle burn, and it can not fly, fall to the ground, and, still unwilling to struggle the cook has broken wings, until we did not have a flavor.

  Watched the moths of this scenario, the woods regrets ground say to guests: "you see how stupid! This moth to fire was burning the body, but it must not desperate to blazes, to such an end!"

  Guests feel the same way to sigh a way: "who say is not? However, is even more people than moths!"

  The woods said: "yes, the melody of the world natural and lead people to scramble desperately chase, not like this moth? Those who follow this road without doubt, destroy the body without regret, did not like the moths people laugh at the poor and sad?"

  Steep profits, and people like moths fire. Moths cast fire were people laugh their stupid; And those steep profits that reputation, not more ridiculous?


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