
童话故事 2021-10-22 网络整理 可可




  In the thick forest, there is a lost of small white tiger. It exports are anxiously seeking the forest, when it sees a and it look alike but small guy.

  Small white tiger asked, "who are you? How about with me."

  "I am the lynx, why are you here?"

  Small white tiger said: "I'm lost, can you tell me how to get out?"

  Lynx, said: "ok."

  Lynx, with small white tiger mountains is coming, have a branch stumbled small white tiger, white tiger fell down from the mountain, the lynx desperate saved it, finally put the small white tiger saved up, and take it out of the forest.


  Two grain of grass seeds travel with the wind. When they flew over a farmhouse wall, a seed cannot help but put forward a suggestion: "let's stay here, here, stand to look up too far."

  Another seed said: "I can't, our ancestors warned us, only the builders of life on earth will have happiness."

  The first seed don't listen to, on the wall. His companions to fly down to wall, in the not far away from the wall a dips wet places under the home, he was determined to stay here and have a good life.

  On the wall under the rain the seeds grow into a tree swing. He bathed in the spring breeze, accept the abundant sunshine, grow fast, soon, he was long and thin and tall. The seed of the earth, and with many partners around, take root and thrive.

  The grass on the wall far to see his former partner body is short, the wind breeze to take along some sarcastic words: "I let you stand on a high wall, but you won't, you silly! Now, I'm on high, people see I looked up to. This is how great glory!"

  The grass of the earth also let the wind ShaoHua answered him: "I think my life had a steadfast, but I worry about you, you are so high above the, from the support of the earth for you, you will can't afford to setbacks and tribulations..."

  "Pei pei," reed in angry, ranging from wind finish the ground grass words, announced a break with the grass of the earth, he said bitterly: "well, to be envious of me. I was so extraordinary excellence forever!"

  In summer, hot day, and not a drop of rain for a long time, the grass of the earth is still strong to continue to grow, and that the swing to the proud but stem dead.

  The grass of the earth as swingers lament: refused to down-to-earth life, live only for the pursuit of vanity, and eventually hurt yourself!


  It rained for several days in a row, full of water in rice field, even could be covered.

  A small carp over the ridge, along the canal to swim and swim, swim into the river. Stream live shrimp, turtles, small crab, mussel beds, they have never seen a carp. Shrimp on to ask a small carp timidly: "Sir, where are you from?" "Ha ha!" Small carp laughed, "what, you call me grandpa?" Shrimp and said: "you are not a grandpa, it must be a uncle, uncle!" Small carp said: "my age is small, everyone call I small carp!"

  "Then, why do you long beard, what use is it?" Small tortoise climb up and ask. "It can help me in the dark to find to find things, very useful waiting!" Said the little carp.

  In this way, they are familiar with small fish and shrimp, turtle, play together, looking for food to eat together.

  One day, a small carp to tell everyone about the story, said that he lived in rice field. "You live in a rice field?" The small mussels asked, "how did you over the ridge?" Small carp said: "the farmer uncle fish on the field, when I was a small seedlings, were grazing in the field!" Small carp went on to say: "I eat those, borers in the paddy fields, rice special welcome me!"

  Little turtle, mussels are very envy small carp, said: "small carp, you true happiness!"

  We are have a good time, naughty little shrimp swam to quietly carp behind, want to tease him. Behold, shrimp haven't close to him, small carp is detected, the left tail, the shrimp out far away.

  Shrimp to ask: "small carp, I am behind you, how do you see me?" Small carp said, pointing to two lines on either side of the body: "is that they report to me!"

  Originally, is very sensitive, small carp line water movement, he knew that, like a pair of alarm.


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