Kangaroo has a tail, thick and hard. He felt his tail long too ugly. Baby bunny picked and soft, a short tail. He felt his tail is too short, don't look good.
One day, they met together, happily in the tail.
Kangaroos bouncing in the woods to find something to eat, a busy morning, now it's time to sit down and rest. Oh, that's too bad! The kangaroo fell a casualty. Small kangaroo tail is hard and long, with two hind legs walked on the earth, and just become a "three feet on the bench". In the tail can't sit, wallabies out in a rash.
The rabbit, with a long tail, to play in the woods, suddenly ran into a Wolf. Little rabbit desperately run, run, can be as big tail in tow, always run fast. See the rabbit will be caught up the Wolf, suddenly, from the woods and a rabbit, oh, turned out to be a mother rabbit. Mother rabbit ran quickly and opened the Wolf.
Little rabbit, from behind the tree sadly low head. He hate the long tail. The original tail much good, gentle, soft, run really. Find a kangaroo!
Kangaroos and the rabbit find each other, can't wait to change back to its own tail. From then on, they do not feel the tail of the ugly.
Sunny day, the small white rabbit happily playing on the grass. It play ah, ah, suddenly to rain cats and dogs.
The small white rabbit didn't bring an umbrella, it sees the ground with a few big mushroom, then picked a immediately. In this way, it walked with mushroom umbrella to go home. To the doorstep, it "knocked" knock three times, my mother heard hurried to open the door, mother rabbit said: "hey, how do you not get wet?" The small white rabbit replied: "yes, I did not get wet, also brought back a big mushroom!"
Mother smiled, laughed the little white rabbit.
A pig, a sheep and a cow dairy, locked up in the same corral. On one occasion, shepherd caught piglets, it loud howling, fiercely resist. Sheep and cows hate its howling, then said: "he often catch us, we're not yelling. Pig listened to answer:" catch you and catch me completely are two different things, he catch you, just want to your hair and milk, but catch me, is to my life!
To different position and environment, it is difficult to understand the feelings of others; So for other people's disappointment, frustration, pain, unfavorable to gloat, but should be caring, understanding. To have a tolerance heart!
格林兄弟的《格林童话》是世界儿童文学的经典之作,迄今为止已被翻译成160余种文字出版,成为世界儿童文学的珍宝。下面是小编为您整理的格林童话故事文字版,希望对你有所帮助!格林童话故事文字版篇一:鸬鹚和戴胜 有人问老牧人:“你最喜欢在哪儿放牛?” 他说:“就在...
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