
童话故事 2021-10-21 网络整理 可可




  Christmas time, Anne got a piano, although it is very old but Anne was very happy, play the wonderful music with it to grandma.

  Learning the piano has been a period of time, can now play several simple tune, Anne Anne have been studying hard, she hopes one day to open his own concert in the school hall; She will tell their ideas of grandma, grandma very support her, and commended her: "our lovely Annie best!"

  Autumn comes grandma passed away just now, Anne was sad, playing the piano at home alone, grandma couldn't hear a beautiful piano, only cats at the feet of the sobs should occasionally; For the funeral of that day of, the piano Annie moved to the cemetery, her grandma to play the music, the pastor read the eulogy, and silently blessed dead grandmother.

  Music flowed out in waves of cool breeze, rolled up black pastor, the petals falling from the air, with fragrant, grandmother of the beautiful flowers to the cemetery this magic scene made them surprised, are quietly. Anne immersed in the music alone, the wind gradually stopped, grandma's tomb is still a refresh.

  Later, people always inadvertently heard quiet Anne can reach the piano music of the soul.

  There are often passed by a cemetery heard beautiful music, many say, Anne's music take dead souls to heaven.


  Once upon a time, there was a hungry cat, it is called Mimi, it eats the master and the shepherd and 30 goats, but no matter how much it had, or do not have enough to eat.

  One day, Mimi to the forest to find something to eat, suddenly see little red riding hood, is carrying a basket of fruit to grandma's visiting. Mimi was thinking of going to eat little red riding hood, suddenly found that there was a big, bad Wolf behind little red riding hood, want to eat a big, bad Wolf. Mimi is secretly behind.

  To grandma's, Mimi suddenly jump in the past, a grandmother, little red riding hood and a big, bad Wolf swallowed, however, it is hungry, so it went on to look for food.

  Mimi walk ah, see not far ahead, someone don't like people, don't like the demon monkey, that's the Monkey King. Mimi would also like to eat the Monkey King, sun wukong, of course, is not willing to, they fight the three hundred round, finally out of the great sun wukong just broke the marmalade, at this time, the grandmother and little red riding hood and a big, bad Wolf, and he swallowed the lamb from its belly and climbed out, Mimi also died, you return to their homes, and live in peace and happiness.


  Black children have a beautiful red ball. He never willing to let others play. One night, black children had a strange dream, he dreamed of the apple tree in the yard, turned into an old man. The tree grandpa said: "black children, your ball and let me play?" Black children tightly holding the ball said: "no, no." The apple tree grandpa said: "give me to play, I give you a red and big apple tree." So, black children agreed.

  Black children told the dream to mother, mother said: "the silly child, apple tree which meeting to play the ball? Besides, fruit trees this year, don't hang Suzy." Black children don't believe that he cheated on mom, throw the ball to the tree. The tree shook her, as if said to him: "thanks!" Black children was very happy, he think: "when the apple is ripe, my friends can eat the apple."

  A few days later, his mother asked black children: "you of the ball?" Black children, said: "lost." The mother ask again: "where is the lost?" Black children red the face said: "perhaps, is the children's park." He rushed the tree crowded crowded eyes. The tree was happy.

  Sure enough, the apple tree Suzy, Suzy change from green to red. Black children's mother said, "how strange, fruit trees this year? She walked from the apple tree, suddenly, an apple fell on her head. Black children's mother picked up a look, ah, is a lovely ball. Ah ah ah, fruit trees on the long ball.

  Just then, many of the junior partner to the black children. Black children around them to eat the apple. Black children mother shouted loudly: "children, you are welcome. Come and look at my fruit trees on the long ball, perhaps, there's a lot, you find out." Black children shouted: "comrades, on the tree!" Going, and they all climbed up the apple tree.

  They eat, laugh, know the secret of the ball, black children's mother is the only one in the dark. After a while, she will be the children shouted: "hey, did find?"


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