
童话故事 2021-10-02 网络整理 可可




  Lele grew up, the little white rabbit was a primary school in grade one of primary school children, the school organization of children summer camp activities, the small white rabbit is very happy. Mom and dad for her clothes, food, toothpaste, toothbrush, comb, such as articles for daily use, in a pretty little backpack.

  In the summer camp, there are a lot of children, there are also many games, activities, games, etc. Children every day kubla khah dripping wet, so have to take a bath, washes the bath, sweat soaked clothes need to be replaced. Action links, the small white rabbit, only see other children soon wash clothes, and drying up. Can the small white rabbit just looked at a pile of dirty clothes, don't know how to wash, she regret, at ordinary times did not listen to your mom and dad, didn't learn basic life skills, it is silly, don't have my mom and dad again, how should do?

  Just as she when you are sad, little bear flatly, asked what happened to the little white rabbit, the small white rabbit embarrassed to tell him: "I don't know how to wash the clothes."

  "It doesn't matter, I'll teach you."

  "Thank you!"

  With the help of the little bear, little white learned to wash his clothes, and fold the quilt, sorting, and so on. Summer camp a week passed quickly, the small white rabbit backpack and went home happily, from then on, the small white rabbit no longer lazy, became a labor of love good boy! She know: should do their own things, can't rely on mom and dad.


  There is a hen, called the scallions, she likes to help friends. One day, the black rooster to please her one thing: "I'm going out to buy things, could you help me keep the henhouse key?" "No problem, I will keep the key in the safest place." So, the black rooster safely go out! Scallions hen put keys in a flowerpot, she said to herself: "hidden in the most beautiful flower pot, the key is not afraid to lose." For a moment, bigfoot duck to please her one thing: "I want to go swimming, can you please help me to take care of the baby eggs?" "No problem, I will be the safest place to put the baby egg."

  Bigfoot duck safely go swimming! Scallions hen has many colorful baskets, she put the eggs in one basket, baby also cover a soft soft towel for it, she gently taps a baby egg and smile happily say: "the color of the basket, the most suitable for cute little duck eggs."

  Chopped green onion hen busy over, want to sit down and have a good rest, she put the frames on the head, close your eyes, take a nap for a while. "Ding-dong ding-dong......" Is black the cock of the doorbell. He said politely, "scallions, let me get the key." "Okay." Chopped green onion hen is looking for the key, "ding-dong ding-dong......" Bigfoot duck also to ring the bell! She said very politely: "scallions, I to take baby egg." Scallions hen in a hurry to jump jump in the past: "oh, good good, I immediately to pick up." The scallions hen for hours, I have searched every corner in the home, bad! The key is lost!

  Oh my god! Baby eggs were not found! Chopped green onion out in a rash hen: "I want to wear glasses to find something, but my glasses were not found, Strange! I put it in the most safe place! " Black rooster said: "the glasses is not on your head?" Scallions hen got the glasses and smiled shyly: "rightness! I remember in one of the safest places."

  She immediately puts on his glasses, go to looking for the black rooster key. Chopped green onion hen remembered: "key hidden in the flowerpot. Where a flower pot? She carefully to find, turn! It turns out that the key hidden in the rose flower pot. Big feet baby duck eggs?

  Chopped green onion hen also remembered: "baby eggs in the basket, I put it in the safest place, will not be stolen!" Do you found all the basket, It turns out that baby eggs in a basket of yellow, Scallions hen confidently and towels, but exclaim 1: "oh!

  How only egg?" Bigfoot duck said: "it must be my baby duck duck has been hatched!" People began to looking for duck duck. "Ah! Find! Find! He here." Held the duckling duck scallions hen happy, at that time... What do you guess the duckling duck said to scallions hen?


  Night, very cold in winter is very cold, and the moon looked down, people on informed all wear a warm coat and to be desired.

  "If I had a coat." She wants to. So she said to the people in the moon, "can you help me with a warm coat, can?"

  "Yes!" The people in the moon said. He moved out of the sewing machine, spread out the cloth, took out a needle and thread, buttons, scissors, and tape measure.

  He measured the size of the moon first, then cut cloth, sewing, nail on the button, then spend half a month, coat ready.

  "Moon tried the coat and obviously it's too big.

  "Strange!" The people in the moon scratched his head, said. He took out his tape measure, the amount to the moon again. The shape of the moon is more thin. So he took out his scissors, lines, and out of the sewing machine, the coat changed little.

  For half a month, coat change good. The moon to try again. Ha, this coat is too small, because the moon is much fatter.

  "You are so fat into ball ball for a while, for a while and thin into a thin, let I how to give you a fit coat?" The people in the moon said. It was obvious that he was very angry, but he is a special kind people, help somebody else's will always help to the end. He said: "well, I'll give you do two coats, a fat when you wear, you wear thin.

  "Thank you very much." Said the moon.

  Coat well, after the moon try to wear the wear, both quite fit. She put on her coat, though, that is, of course, not as bright as he used to be.

  No way! "The man in the moon said:" you sometimes have to shine, go to bed so that children can see you from the window. "

  "Good!" After finish the moon. My coat, let her connect body to shine forth. The people of the earth look up and saw the moon, are all very happy, the children especially excited. From then on, they sometimes see the moon is very fat, skinny, became a crescent moon, sometimes see the moon sometimes don't see her again.

  "Ah! The moon tonight in overcoat." "Yes." The moon said, "I put on the coat, the coat, nice and warm." However, she is not always wearing a coat. Little stars have heard about the moon's coat, and outstanding interest. "We also went to see the people in the moon give us a coat." They said.

  "No!" The moon said, "I can't to make so many stars on a coat. That how many years can give you each do a coat on? Besides, I where to find so many cloth?"

  Later, he thought an idea. He told all the small clouds loudly say: "ah, the little cloud, everybody listen up, you wrapped the stars at night, let them feel warm."

  The stars are moving. , but the moon take off coat, is lonely. So, as long as the moon to take off your coat, the stars and clouds a night off, the moon is very happy, the people of the earth is also very happy, the children especially happy.


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