睡前英文小故事:I am a spring rain
I am a delicate little drops of water, I have a wet also small, plump body, I like the most insignificant thing in the world, let a person do not pay attention to.
The sun to see my friends and I play tired, we go home, I went back to the blue sky with the guys in dad's arms, we huddle together in the bright sunlight for sleeping. After a while, the dark clouds sister called me and holding our clouds elder brother to play, she said, pulling us out. At this time, we saw the earth a piece of dry, no rain for a long time, my friends and I rushed to jump to the earth mother's arms, drifting in the wind, we accepted our the earth that makes her alive. Has sprouted leaves, flowers, birds, schools of thought contend.
To suburbs, starts, the peach blossom, white and pink and plough flowers, as well as the vast expanse of golden rape, drew a rainbow of black and yellow bee and butterfly, they are flying in the flowers to collect nectar, create beautiful tomorrow.
In the "rural" flowers, in the open full of flowers on the hillside, children chasing play on the lawn, all kinds of kites in the blue sky fly freely. Here, everywhere is a piece of laughter, the adults sitting under the shade of the tree, chat over a cup of tea, a harmonious picture.
People praise the beauty of the spring, the beauty of a flower, who would have thought this is the point of light rain we are small and humble credit? We this group of little angel fell from the sky, in order to make the motherland radiant, we do not hesitate to life, let the earth the awaken of spring march, massif, LuLuCongCong, crops harvest year after year, people always laugh.
睡前英文小故事:Circles and squares of the conversation
In a very quiet very quiet night, a brawl broke the quiet night. Turned out to be two blocks are quarrelling, a is often used to make movement of the ball, another piece of the square, the common people is they are quarrelling square purposes or the purpose of the ball. Can light myself is nothing. They went to look for product wooden uncle, he decided to let him an!
Product wooden uncle, just still doing the dream are the two little guys wake up. Rubbing his bleary, stretched himself, the results accidentally sneezed, will wake up all the blocks. Product wooden uncle cough two sound said: "we all do make bricks or card, to see who USES is the largest."
Blocks have comment in succession, wooden uncle cough again two times, everyone is all quiet down. Product wooden uncle said gruffly, "now that you two are all say that you use, it is about how your solution!"
Ball quickly rob to say: "I say, I say first, you go to only look noble people to go to the golf course, there are so many of my brothers and sisters, fly out from under the those of the wealthy rod that is a how proud thing! Not only because of this, they are playing when can I get a lot of happy!" Other blocks are nodding, square wasn't so happy, he angrily said: "you that what we purpose was a big square, people build houses have we set up piece by piece, if if with you, now don't say we even those who are sleeping in the road!"
Product box uncle loudly say: "don't noisy, don't noisy, you each have each use, we are the building blocks are all have their own purposes, we can't compare with each other."
Ball and basket, can hear the word of the product box uncle bowed his head in shame, other blocks are nodded.
睡前英文小故事:The king of the birds
One day, the lion king serious to birds declared: "you must choose a bird the king, after seven days, to a contest. Who won first place, who is the king of birds."
After five days later, the bird lili begged mom, "mom, I also want to attend." "You are young, don't attend." Said mother care about. "But I want to attend, besides, I also came up with the splendid way, don't worry, will be successful." Mother persuaded not it, so we have to let it go.
One day, the eagle, birds and wild geese came, after a gunshot, all the birds stood a row. "Now please listen to match requirements: one who within the prescribed period of time to fly the highest, who is the first place, who is the king of birds". "Bang" a gunshot, all the birds are flying in the sky.
Because the birds are small, so are left behind. Birds lili, uncle hurry up fly to Atlanta in the mind. The eagle has arrived cloud side at this moment, is the first place. Uncle bird lily suddenly rushed out of the eagle mind, is higher than uncle eagles fly. The presence of all the animals were all amazed.
At this time, the lion king of birds said: "the bird lily in the future is your king, everyone should respect it". The bird lili happy quickly passed out. After a few days later, the lion king, let the creeps are caught the bird lili because allegations it simply can't fly so high. Ask it how can fly so high. The bird lili has been lying. A few hours later, the lion king of birds lili said: "don't say with cruel punishment for you." Birds lili a listen to use cruel punishment, frighten of the creeps. In the end only ability to disclose the truth.
"For the eagle king of birds. The birds lili clever, sealing you do strategist for the king of the birds, to advise him." The lion king announced loudly.
The king of the birds birds lili did not do, but it is very like the position of the military adviser. Since then, the bird lili for king bird to bird kingdom of governance in good order.
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