This is a big, strong lion, but very timid. A leaf fell on his head, waited a long time will be scared heart fluttered.
On one occasion, he met a tiger, scared desperately to escape. Escape ah, ah fled, the lion's body even smaller, only become so big leopard.
Then he met a leopard, and scared turned and fled. Escape, ah, ah escape, he became only the cat so big.
Lion met a cat, too scared turned and fled. Escape, ah, ah fled, the lion became as small as a mouse.
Like a mouse little mouse met a lion, they looked at each other, were terrified. Unwittingly, they both go in the same direction.
Ran a long way, they came to a halt. "Ha ha ha!" I was amused by his own cowardice.
The Lion and the Mouse became good friends. What a movement, to run away together. He went to a safe place, just holding each other comfort each other: "Well, well, do not be afraid, do not be afraid."
On one occasion, the lion nap, I heard mice in shouting: "!! Help me Help me" So, there is a wild cat chasing mice.
Lion jumped up and rushed to the Wildcats, shouted: "No bullied mice!" Paozhaopaozhe lion's body gets bigger, while as big as the Wildcats.
Wildcats escaped. At this time, the distance a deer shouting: "!! Ah, tigers Help me, Help me," mice frightened, said: "We run away now ......"
Suddenly, the lion tiger rushed past: "Do not bully deer!" Paozhaopaozhe lion getting bigger and bigger, and soon afterwards became larger than the tiger, it is powerful and strong.
Deer said: "Thank you for saving my life you really brave!!" Lion thought: " You how brave I am brave I feel it is very timid."
Mice lion said: "Together, I'm not afraid." The lion mice, said:. "With you, I'm not afraid."
Suddenly, a leaf fall, it scared the lion and the mouse escaped together. Escape, ah, ah fled, the lion and smaller. It's strange that he is such a big suddenly becomes suddenly smaller lion.
"Brave" to make the lion become extremely large, "timid"allows Lion shrink so small like a little mouse. You know, strong heart is very important, as long as the strong heart, and we will become very powerful.
"Bang!" Signal gun fired, "forest fruits Cars Competition" began. Fox car driving watermelon, apple mouse driving car, driving monkey pear cars, they also out of the starting line. Three cars passing Chocolate Avenue, East Bridge ......
After a child, watermelon fox driving cars in the front. Suddenly, the fox saw my grandfather lying on the ground in front of the goat. Watermelon car screeched to a halt. Fox got out and asked: "
Goat Grandpa, how do you?" Goat grandfather said bitterly: "I ...... I ...... ...... uncomfortable" Then, Pear car coming, and screeched to a halt. Then again, Apple is also approaching the car, he screeched to have stopped. Rat, monkey and fox together the goat grandfather carried a watermelon car. Monkey said: "Quick, to the hospital!" Mouse asked: "Where is the hospital?" Fox shook his head and said: "Do not know ah, how can this do?" While they were worried when the ambulance "ooo" to passing from their side. Monkey hastily said: "Quick, keep an ambulance!" "
Ooo, ooo ......" three fruits cars right behind the ambulance. "Ooo, ooo ......" ambulance drove to the place, the animals have to give way. Watermelon car arrived in the emergency center, foxes and rats immediately sent to the emergency room grandfather goat, monkey goat Grandpa responsible for calling their families.
Fox, rat and monkey wait until the goat grandfather's family rushed to the hospital before leaving. They just out of the hospital, to see two police cars hot pursuit of a white car. Big Horn police roof, "shouted": "robbers robbers surrender surrender recalcitrant in the end, only a dead end!!!" "Ah, the robbers!"
Monkey said, "Quick, chase the robbers!" Thus, three fruit ramped car rushed up. Mouse and monkey cell phone notification Fox: "in front of the East Bridge, you can cut corners to block the robbers!"
Soon, the three cars to catch the fruit in front of a white car came to the East bridgehead of the bridge, and police formed a barrier impassable by car. Robbers saw the car in front of fruit out of the way, followed by another police car Zhuidu, thinking: "
This is also difficult winged fly!" So he had to get off obediently surrender. Police quickly thanks to fox, monkey and mouse. "Nothing, that is our responsibility." Said the fox. Hey, do not forget, "Fruit car contest" than not finished yet!
Next, the game continues. Finally, the fox watermelon cars rushed to the finish line first, he was awarded a golden medal of the championship. While the monkey and mouse did not get medals, but their love and courageous move moved all small animals. Therefore, the king of the forest so that they eat for free in the forest all the fruit.
One day, the little mouse Jim hungry to stay at home last night, the rest of the rice paste crunch of broken rice has also been eaten, then nothing can fill the stomach of friends. Suddenly, Jim found not far from the entrance even have a piece of cheese, Jim even smell the cheese seductive aroma of it. But ......
Jim hesitated, looking past the hole from the outside world is like opening the mouth of a monster, if at any time he should swallow like. Finally, hunger conquered fear Jim heart. He stuck his head out quietly, cautiously eyeing this strange world.
This time even a little bit abnormal ring, makes Jim decisively abandon delicious cheese, quickly slipping into the hole. But, okay, what does not ring surrounding the house was quiet. Just at that moment, Jim lightning channeling out, accurately grabs a piece of cheese. "Hey, Jim!" Someone calling himself? ! Jim was shocked, mouth cheese almost fell down. "
Do not be afraid, it is me." Turned out to be his best friend Jimmy, a piece of cheese, it is her on the floor. Little Jimmy finally help his friends to overcome the fear, out of the mousehole. Jim looked around curiously, this is a big house, in the middle stood a square table, the table filled with delicious fish and ducks, as well as a pot of fragrant cheese. Jim is no longer so afraid of it, he and Jimmy go on happily enjoying this rare gourmet meal. However, at this moment, a shadow group of the corner being quietly approaching them. Suddenly, "Meow", that group shadow lunged volley to Jim, it is a vicious Tabby Cat.
Jim turned his head, only to see a ferocious feline face, Zhang Xuepentaikou. Jim scared legs soft, he thought: "It's over!" Pinch, Jimmy flung Tabby hit in the past. Tabby Cat did not look out, hit a stagger.
This time on the Jim forward a channeling from Tabby Cat claws to escape. Tabby Cat shocked, can take a closer look, he dare to strike turned out to be a little mouse. This is his annoying friends. Tabby Cat let Jim, Jimmy rushed toward the past. Jimmy wanted to run again will be impossible for you, Tabby Cat sharp claws fan to Jimmy's face, before Jimmy got it together yet, Tabby Cat a slam her tail. "
Hmmm, you just ran!" Tabby exposed ferocious expression. It seems only a blink of the eye work, next to Jim froze, his legs involuntary shiver, heart thump thump beats violently, the blood of a trial of strength to the head Bay. How to do it? In front of a fear that he would only have been a cat. Escape it? But under the catlike his best friend die.
Tabby Cat finally revealed sharp teeth, bite down toward Jimmy. Never gave much thought, Jim a skip step twist waist, "bass", directed Tabby Cat fury. Tabby it being complacent, I suddenly felt a pain in the root of the tail, "Ouch!" It turned out that way, Jim bite in the tail Tabby Cat, Tabby Cat painful squeak wow barking ah, swiftly rushed out, no longer afraid came back. "
Damn Tabby Cat escape myself!" Two little mice cheering. Two little mice with their courage to overcome the ferocious Tabby Cat, Jim, it is also overcome the fear, no longer have to hide in a small rat holes all day in it.
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