When the Ming dynasty, the emperor ordered the slaughter of cattle, is the man who believe in Islam, is no exception.
One day, a squire Zhang Jingzhai and juren fan4 jin4 meet high visit to the county magistrate of a county in soup. Soup magistrate of a county buy wine to entertain them. He was an old man brought the soup magistrate of a county the cobbled together with several other Islam fifty pounds of beef. Soup magistrate of a county has always been taking bribes bribery, but he's also believe in Islam, but it has a ban on, also don't know should shouldn't take this gift. So Zhang Jingzhai asked: "are you done officer, about the ban on killing cattle are the to discuss with you. Just a few people believe in Islam in order to open, from 50 kg of meat, a few loose request me to them. Do you think is to accept or not accept?"
Zhang Jingzhai shake head a way: "this should never). You and I are a few people, should be in the heart is only the emperor, manage people who believe in the same teaching? Think of Mr HongWuNian asked Mr (refers to liu bowen); the hongwu got to his house, even the jiangnan trump sent a food jars. (gathering), open on see, face to face is an altar of gold. The king was angry, the next day Mr Put Mr As qingtian county magistrate of a county, then poisoned him with poison.
Articulate soup magistrate of a county Zhang Jingzhai said, I not letter, so quickly to ask what to do with as well. Zhang Jingzhai said: "a surname can make in this matter. Grasp the old man and beat him dozens of board, with a big neck-irons, stacked from beef on big cangue, and beside it a notice, that they are bold, just that. Meticulous like boss know you work, you promoting to a higher position is just around the corner."
Even the tiny place also don't careless, describe work conscientiously, good fine.
The tortoise saw an eagle flying in the air, then request the eagle taught him to fly. Eagle advised him, said he could not fly. Can the tortoise so pressing, eagle and caught him, fly to the high altitude, and then he let go. The tortoise fell on the rock, was cast sky-high.
This story shows that those who aim high, impractical person is bound to fail.
Late autumn season, a bear want to make a cave on a hillside, ready to hibernate. The hill the whole consists of a number of young spruce trees covered with. Bear the small fir skin peel, tear into small narrow strip, located on the hill took them into the cave, then covered with soft hair on it, this is a comfortable bed. It has small fir trees cut near the cave, cover the mouth of the cave, so, cave had a "roof". Cave built, climb in, it is going to sleep quietly on a winter. But before a month, a hound found it's cave, it's not easy to escape the hunter's gun. Can't, can only directly lying on the snow, so all right, can be all eyes and all ears. But is such, finally discovered by the hunter, it hard to escape again.
So it is the third time to hide. This time the hunters but doesn't even have to think of, where I can find it. It was not until the following spring, the truth: they had it on a big tree AnAnQuanQuan a winter sleep. It experienced a baptism of the storm crown pointing to the sky, tall trees in the middle of the dense canopy, there is a gap. This gap is like a natural formation of the cave. Summer there used to be an eagle with branches and some soft matting, here to build a nest, too young, then flew away. But this winter, this is only the hunters so startled that horrible bear found the air "cave", then climb up, spent a winter here freely.
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