One day, a fox sent an invitation card to crane.
"The evening meal under, please."
"Wow! It's rare! Mr. Fox will prepare what stuff I please?"
Cranes are glad to forward to the fox's house. "Ah! Mr Crane, welcome!
Welcome. Please don't mention it! "
The fox out of the stuff only in the big flat soup.
"I most like to drink soup! Thank you!"
Crane would like to drink soup, but, because he has a long mouth, so with great effort, also can smell. The dish soup, not a drop to drink.
But the fox what you've just finished the soup guru to suddenly. And before laughing, feel very interesting.
"True not enough meaning, you're playing tricks on me!" Crane hate hate went home.
Soon, the crane also send invitation to the fox.
"Treat in the evening, you must come oh!
The fox is a glutton.
"What kind of food?" The fox secretly thinks.
Even not long ago, the fox also forget all about, the in the mind to the crane's home happily.
"Mr. Fox, welcome! Welcome! Don't mention it, although use!"
Crane took out the things what is it? Turned out to be in the soup in the thin neck bottles!
"Thanks!" Fox will beak into the bottle, but how also can not eat a mouthful of soup, can only smell the delicious taste, the crane will be long mouth easily stretch near the bottom of the bottle with relish to eat!
The fox stomach bad is bad, but one also can not eat food.
Rat boss said: "today is mother's birthday, we bought her a cake, make her happy."
"Good ah, good!" The rat rat middle and old said.
Eldest brother, second, third, very not easy to make up a handful of COINS.
Came to the store, eldest brother said, "we want to buy the most delicious cake."
Shop assistant counted the COINS, and said: "don't have enough money, but you can sell you a piece of pie." The good salesman gave them a zhang ting good pie. Eldest brother, second, third home sadly.
Rat old said with a sigh: "well..."
Rat penis also said with a sigh: "well..."
Rat eldest brother clap head, said: "we think of some way to make pie cake!"
"How? How?" Rat penis, mice old DengYuan small eyes.
Rat boss took himself has been reluctant to eat candy, melting cast starting on the pie. Hi, how nice. A sweet sweet cream flavor. Rat middle child wanted to think, took a big sausage, gently on the pie, he said shyly: "hey hey, I only with a little bit..."
"Mom can't see!" Rat boss said firmly.
Rat old picked a colorful wild flowers, yellow on the pie.
Oh, if you couldn't see this is a piece of pie! Three little mice are very satisfied with, the more see the more happy heart.
Gently pushed open the door of the mother, three little mice chorus singing: "happy birthday to you..."
"Hey, where did you get the cake?" Mom said in surprise.
"We do!" The rat boss said.
"Quick try! Try!" The rat rat penis, old three say together.
Mother gently bite, she suddenly understood: "oh, how nice! How nice! This is the best cake I've ever had!" Mother smiled happily.
"Is that so?" Three little mice also laughed happily.
Mr. Fox good greedy, back home in the evening, he began to a distant call: "wife, the wife, what's for dinner tonight?"
Mrs. Fox said: "ah, today supper, eat chicken --"
Mr. Fox a listen to, immediately ran very fast, "wife, a wife, I love you, I love to eat chicken."
All the members of the vole's house heard it, they envy.
The next day, Mr. Fox quickly got home, he called in the distance: "wife, the wife, what's for dinner tonight?"
Mrs. Fox said: "today, dinner eat bacon --"
Oh, delicious bacon ah. Mr. Fox ran up and running is really good.
Mr Mole heard this, he began to think.
"Hello, Mrs., did you hear what?" said the fox, "they have good food, our home for dinner?"
"We ah, corn's for dinner tonight."
"Corn, hum, corn, I support the family so hard, just give me to eat corn. Madam, I would like to eat chicken."
"Let's home no chicken."
"I would like to eat bacon."
"We're not bacon."
"Then let's to starve to death, nothing at all!"
"No, we have corn, beans, cheese, bread crumbs,..."
"Well, what are you listen to the fox's house to eat?"
Rats leaving home angrily, his backpack is out of the door. He said to them, you wait, I'm going to find some roast chicken and bacon.
Mr Voles, directly to the fox's house. He slipped into the door, and saw a very big a piece of bacon.
Oh, it's so sweet, he ran forward quickly. And behold, suddenly be a catch the fox.
"Ha ha, good fat rats." Mr And Mrs Fox said, "a la hora welcome you to become our family dinner tomorrow."
On the third day, Mr. Fox will go out. When leaving the house, Mr. Fox and yelled, "madam, what's for dinner tonight --"
"Dinner today, voles eat delicious..." Mrs. Fox said.
Oh, rats wife heard this, she cried. Heard the little vole, wept also.
Why Mr Voles so greedy, so not careful, he will become the fox's dinner.
How to do? How to do? Rats, think of a way to house of small rats were called out: "mom, today what's for dinner?"
Vole wife happily, loudly say: "today the dinner, drink, milk cows -- --"
Wow. That's to drink milk. Fox, fox heard this, they all shouted sodium lauryl sodium lauryl: "milk, I want to drink milk --"
"Don't go to, we eat rats." Mr And Mrs Fox fox said.
"Drink drink..." Little fox was was.
"Come quickly move milk, sweet and fragrant milk." Rats wife says.
Mr And Mrs Fox fox decided to go out to grab some back. Them out of the door, Mrs Voles hurriedly rushed into the fox from a nearby home, dad saved the vole.
Ah, voles dad, please, don't leave home hear good.
Wife today to prepare dinner, you must eat it happily.
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