小学生英语绕口令 简单有趣|简单英语绕口令小学生口诀

绕口令 2021-10-13 网络整理 可可




  1.a bachelor botched a batch of badly baked biscuits

  2.a big bug hit a bold bald bear and the bold bald bear bled blood badly

  3.a cup of proper coffee in a copper coffee cup

  4.all al’s sly allies lie

  5.bess is the best backward blue-blowing bugler in the boston brass band

  6.betty block blows big black bubbles

  7.blake the baker bakers black bread

  8.brught bloom the blossoms on the brook’s bare brown banks

  9.good morning to all who crawl;

  10.good morning to all who soar,

  11.good morning to all who walk,

  12.good morning, good morning to all

  13.jack asked sam to pay for his rat

  14.jack had a rat; sam had a cat

  15.john, where had had "had had’, had had "had had’ had had his master’s approval

  16.or swim, good morning, i call

  17.peter piper picked a peck of pickled peppers

  18.a gazillion gigantic grapes gushedgradually giving gophers gooey guts

  19.a rough-coated, dough-faced, thoughtful ploughman strode through the streets of scarborough; after falling into a slough, he coughed and hiccoughed "


  1.a twister of twists once twisted a twistand the twist that he twisted was a three twisted twistnow in twisting this twist, if a twist should untwist,would the twist that untwisted untwist the twists

  2.aluminum, linoleum, aluminum, linoleum, aluminum, linoleum

  3.as one black bug, bled blue, black blood the other black bug bled blue

  4.betty botter bought some butter but she said the butter’s bitter if i put it in my batter it will make my batter bitter so, she bought some better butter, better than the bitter butter and she put it in her batter and her batter was not bitter so ’twas good that betty botter bought some better butter

  5.dr johnson and mr johnson, after great consideration, came to the conclusion that the indian nation beyond the indian ocean is back in education because the chief occupation is cultivation

  6.dust is a disk’s worst enemy

  7.how much dew does a dewdrop dropif dewdrops do drop dew?they do drop, they doas do dewdrops dropif dewdrops do drop dew

  8.how much ground could a grounghog grind if a groundhog could grind ground?

  9.how much myrtle would a wood turtle hurdle if a wood turtle could hurdle myrtle?a wood turtle would hurdle as much myrtle as a wood turtle could hurdle if a wood turtle could hurdle myrtle

  10.i know a boy named tatewho dined with his girl at eight eighti’m unable to state what tate ate at eight eightor what tate’s tête à tête ate at eight eight

  11.i see a sea down by the seashorebut which sea do you see down by the seashore?

  12.i slit a sheet, a sheet i slit, upon a slitted sheet i sit 、if coloured caterpillars could change their colours constantly could they keep their coloured coat coloured properly?

  13.if you stick a stock of liquor in your lockerit is slick to stick a lock upon your stockor some joker who is slickeris going to trick you of your liquorif you fail to lock your liquor with a lock

  14.i’m a sheet slitteri slit sheetsi’m the sleekest sheet slitterthat ever slit sheets

  15.i’m not the fig plucker,nor the fig plucker’s son,but i’ll pluck your figstill the fig plucker comes

  16.love’s a feeling you feel when you feelyou’re going to feel the feeling you’ve never felt before


  1.mommy made me eat my m&ms

  2.old mr hunthad a cuddy puntnot a cuddy puntbut a hunt punt cuddy

  3.she sells sea shells on the sea shore;the shells that she sells are sea shells i’m sureso if she sells sea shells on the sea shore,i’m sure that the shells are sea shore shells

  4.sister suzie sewing shirts for soldierssuch skill as sewing shirtsour shy young sister suzie showssome soldiers send epistlessay they’d rather sleep in thistlesthan the saucy, soft short shirts for soldiers sister suzie sews

  5.the batter with the butter is the batter that is better!

  6.the big black bug bit the big black bear,but the big black bear bit the big black bug back!

  7.the sixth sick sheik’s sixth sheep’s sick

  8.there once was a man who had a sister, his name was mr fister mr fister’s sister sold sea shells by the sea shore mr fister didn’t sell sea shells, he sold silk sheets mr fister told his sister that he sold six silk sheets to six shieks the sister of mr fister said i sold six shells to six shieks too!

  9.there once was a two toed, she toad, tree toad,and a three toed, he toad, tree toad

  10.there was a minimum of cinnamon in the aluminum pan

  11.thin grippy thick slippery


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