
历史故事 2021-09-03 网络整理 可可



中国古代寓言故事英文版:Hide the thief

  There is a thief, want to steal something to change some food. One night, he went to find, those who have a large family of the door on a big lock, strong, he can not get how to get it.

  Turn to go, the thief finally found a family, two door door broken, not much effort, the thief opened the door into the house. He was looking through the East and west to see, looking for valuable things. But this one is in addition to some broken chairs as pour as a church mouse, rotten rags, simply can not find the money can be the same thing. The thief had gasped, secretly crying: Oh, my god! How can I have such a bad luck, the family is simply too poor, there is nothing to steal, so I wasted so much time and effort!

  To go back empty handed, the thief is not willing to, he continued to four under the careful search, a furtive glance around. After a while, he really found that the bed stood a jar of rice. The thief thought: no way, put it back to cook and eat the rice. But even the jar to hold back is too heavy, inconvenient and could not move, also easy to make people suspicious...... Oh, that's right......

  The thief took a head, a stratagem comes to mind. He took off his coat and laid it on the ground, and then returned to his body to get the rice. The thief roistering this for a long time, the bed husband woke up. Through the moonlight into the house, the husband saw the attempt to steal meters thief, very angry: the bad guys, my family is so poor, he unexpectedly even only a jar of rice are spared. Wanted to shout the thief, thief afraid of a nasty injury, how to do? The husband slipped into his hand, and took the thief on the floor, and took it, and hid it in the quilt. The thief took meters back, but found no clothes, impatient and angry. At this time, his wife woke up, panic asked her husband: "real Lixi Su (XISU) sound, is not a thief?" The husband replied: "I woke up for a long time, where there will be a thief?" The thief heard the couple's dialogue, busy shouting: "my clothes, only on the ground, it was a thief stole, how can we say that there is no thief?" When neighbors were awakened, heard the shout "thief" voice, have run to come over to grasp, the thief didn't have enough time to escape, had to surrender quietly.

  The thief even forgot his identity, zeihanzhuozei, exposed the goal, finally captured. Who have good calculations to others, in the end will only set up their own.

中国古代寓言故事英文版:Rotten intestines

  Once upon a time, there was a man named the zhaobogong, obesity, abdomen round belt almost not the pocket, navel and big and deep. A sultry summer noon, zhaobogong sitting in the shade under the trees, the cool side of the drink, eat a lot of watermelon and plum present food and wine, very natural and unrestrained and comfortable. Imperceptibly, zhaobogong drink a few cups, a head have dizzy spells, lying on the bed to sleep.

  Zhaobogong a naughty little grandson, climb to Grandpa, riding in his belly. Zhaobogong asleep, snore like thunder didn't know. The little grandson took his grandpa for a little while, and Ma Qi, that's not interesting. Play what is good? He zhaobogong duqiyan, yanzhuyizhuan, had an idea. The naughty little grandson grabbed the table of plums, one by one to plug the zhaobogong navel eye. Zhaobogong navel also really big, unexpectedly containing seven or eight plums, and he was sleeping like a log, did not detect the grandson mischief.

  After a few days, all the plums in the navel are rotten. Zhaobogong it feels navel aches a bit, he lowers the head a look, ah, not the, saw red plum juice flow full stomach is. Zhaobogong disgrace, that is the belly there rotten a big hole, to himself said: "finished, intestines rotten, this time is die not!" He took his wife and family are called together, weeping bitterly and said: "my intestines are rotten, the stomach is worn out a hole, it seems that I can't live the, I really loathe to give up you and human life, but there is no way, my own Fu Boming short and had to go to the. You better themselves, deeply attached to each other, not noisy quarrelling." Zhaobogong finish words, personally to his wife what arrangements to make arrangements for the funeral, he held the office all run, began single mindedly for death comes.

  One day later, what had happened; two days later, zhaobogong alive and well. Three days later, plum completely rotted away, plum from the zhaobogong navel rolled out. Zhaobogong strange, encounter family said: "I do not know how, from my navel rolled out a lot plum nuclear." The little grandson heard it and clapped his hands and smiled and said, "Grandpa, when you're asleep, I stuffed the plum."!" Zhaobogong to see light suddenly: the original a few days before the flow is Li Zizhi! This, Zhao Bo sadness to joy the revolution.

  Zhaobogong failing to make investigation any subjective results led to a false alarm. We can see things, we should be careful analysis, in order to draw the correct conclusion.

中国古代寓言故事版:Cai Yong Qin save

  During the reign of the emperor of the Eastern Han Dynasty, there was a minister named Cai Yong. Cai Yong is honest and upright character, honest, the eyes do not contain sand, for some bad phenomenon, he always dare to of Emperor Ling frankly remonstrance. In this way, the number of times he contradict the Emperor Ling more, Emperor Ling hate him gradually. Coupled with the eunuch Emperor Ling side also on his integrity hate and fear, often in Emperor Ling forward calumny said he orders the emperor, arrogant, sooner or later will have rebelled, Cai Yong's situation more and more dangerous. He knows that he has become a thorn in the flesh of the Emperor Ling, there is always the risk of harm, so pack your bags, from the waterway escape from the city, far to Wu, seclusion.

  Cai Yong is fond of music, he himself also familiar melody, proficient in classical, to play if there is a little error, fled, and though his ears. Cai Yong is especially good at playing the piano, the piano is very good, a piano material, production, mixing, he has a penetrating insights. Escaped from the capital, he gave up a lot of property, that is, has been reluctant to leave the house that the beloved piano, it will bring it around, always carefully and care.

  In those days of seclusion Wu, Cai Yong often play the zither, to borrow the piano to express their aspirations blighted anti suffered persecution of grief sigh and distracted the prospects for the future.

  One day, Cai Yong sitting in the room Fuqin sigh, the landlady for cooking in the kitchen next door, she will be firewood into the hearth, Mars disorderly jump, firewood was burned "crackling" sound.

  Suddenly, Cai Yong heard next door spreads a burst of crisp crackle, could not help but heart in a surprised, looked up and pricked up its ears carefully listening to a few seconds, a shout of "bad", jumped up and ran to the kitchen. To the edge of the fire, Cai Yong also refused to fire people, reaching the piece just into the hearth when paulownia wood burning pulled out and shouted: "don't burn, don't burn, but this a good piano for a rare material ah!" Cai Yong's hand was burned, he did not feel pain, surprise and blow and touch in paulownia. Fortunately the rescue in time, Paulownia is full, Cai Yong will buy it down. Then carved, painstaking, finally strict in demands, will make a piece of Paulownia harp. This piece of piano playing, sounds wonderful, the best one in the whole world.

  This guitar handed down, a rare treasure, because its lyre tail singed, people call it "coke played".

  Emperor Ling Bushi talent, Yong abjection lands; and Jiao Wei Qin, and how fortunate, meet the eye like Cai Yong Liangcai music expert knowledge, and finally to make Yinghua unfolds. The two pieces of things form contrast, tell us the truth is the same: to cherish talent, respect for talent, to be good at discovering others' ability and reasonable use, so that their talent.


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