
成语故事大全 2022-04-10 网络整理 可可





  The Jin Dynasty when a cavalry general named Wang Ji, is also very handsome, the way of getting along with people. Although it is a knife gun soldier, but I read by the theory, knowledge is very good, also quite a reputation in the city. One year, a nephew of Wang Ji and Wang Ji to take refuge in Wei jie. Wang Ji saw Wei Jie so handsome, graceful bearing, was shocked. He mother who said: "people say I looks beautiful people, now and nephew a ratio, like the stones and Pearl treasure jade put together, I really really ugly!" after a few days, Wangji with Wei Jie, riding on horses to meet the relatives and friends. Go to the street. See Wei Jie people thought he was carved white jade, everyone watching, you squeeze my arms. Almost at the city. Finally to the relatives and friends want to learn about Wei Wanjie to a beautiful appearance, learning is outstanding, he insisted that he Xuanli explained. Wei Jie will not refuse to speak up. The time is not long, but no one listens to people not praised him speak profound thoroughly. People mocked the said: "it seems that you three kings is not worth Wei Jia of a son ah!" Wangji said: "yes, go and my nephew, like pearl in my side, glittering."



  One year, Mo-tse went to the northern qi. On the way to meet a called "Yue", of Mo TSE said: "you cannot go north ah, today the emperor of heaven in the north is killing the black dragon, your skin is black, to the north is unlucky ah!" Mozi said: "I don't believe you!" she said, he continued northward. But soon he came back, because of the proliferation of the north side of the Zi River, unable to cross the river; named "said," the man proudly of Mo TSE said: "how are you? I said you can't to the North walk well! Encountered trouble, right?" Mozi smiled, said: "Zi water flooding, the north and south sides of the pedestrians are all affected by the barrier. The pedestrian in black skin, also have skin white, how to go? "" said "to prevaricate speechless. Mozi said: "if the emperor in the east to kill the dragon, in the South kill Chilong, in the West kill white dragon, then in the central kill the Huanglong, wouldn't let people in the world are unable to move so you lie against but my reason, just like with eggs to touch a stone head, the universal egg full touch light, stone or destroy."



  The Western Han Dynasty, out of a clean high officials, called Wang Zun. Wang Zun from the dead father, raised by his uncle. Uncle relatively poor family, Wang Zun every day to catch the sheep into the wild to graze. This child loves to read, and always bring some books to read while grazing. Gradually, he mentioned in the book on the justice and law enforcement officials reverence, hope I will become such a figure. One day he begged him to the uncle, seeking a job in the county jail. Then Wang Zuncai thirteen year old, uncle after listen to surprise he said: "you are still a child ah, they do not understand the criminal law, how to go to prison to do it?" Yuzun said: "the child has been from the book met with a lot of. Later with the prison long to learn, not on the list do? "Uncle by Wang Zun repeatedly begged. They had ritual trustees to find the warden to intercede. The warden put me in the side when the king who. Wang Zun spent several years as footmen, often exposed to prison affairs, quick progress. Once he went to work with the warden of the district magistrate mansion, was prefect of fancy, then do the documentation that he stay in the house. Several years later, Wang Zun resigned, a classic after Ru, appointment. Because of his law enforcement solemn, gradually, when the county magistrate, and later promoted to keep high stability county. At that time, stability County officialdom is very confusing, some officials use power roisterous, people. Wang Zunyi there immediately rectify the official and Xiaoshi is all county officials loyal to their duties, lead by example, for subordinates to make an example. Legal ruthless, do not use their own body to try the law. In the county a, ruthless, search a lot of minzhimingao, great anger, after the bulletin not repent, so Wang Zun to his arrest. This corrupt official imprisonment, not a few days on the death of a disease. Then, Wang Zun and a number of serious crimes and the punishment did not repent of the tyrannical. As a result, the stability of the county began to peace.


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